Friday, 20 January 2012

The Synopsis

This movie will follow a series of graphic blood thirsty murders,  where single mothers and woman that are believed to be unfit for the kingdom of heaven are killed for their sins. This story starts with a young boy being left by his mother at 1 day old to be grown by the priests at the church where she was grown after being left by her family at aged 6. His mother fell pregnant with him at the age of 14 whiles living in the orphanage in down town Sodom and Gomorrah, she was brutally raped by one of the priest who helped grow her and educate her. Her son was later bullied, raped and abused by the other young boys in the orphanage because of his past and who he came from. He grew to hate and loath woman who are not in a stable relationship or has a stable life style. He believes that god started his life on this path so that he could rid the world of all heathens that don't acknowledge god and the fact that he is omniscient, omnipresent and omnibenevolent. This movie opens up with the last murder he will ever commit as he pulls the body of a young lady out of a car towards a ditch where he will leave her body to rot, but just as he carries the body off he stops and stares down the alley way at a beam of light that he believes is god calling him to sit in his place in heaven.

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