Wednesday, 18 July 2012

eval two

This is a screen shot of both real media and my media product they both show the main character from both media products. The main character in the real media products is wearing clothing that teenagers in urban areas in any part of UK, it is also light colours, which also shows the innocents of the character making the audience feel that he is either the innocent victim or the hero in the film. The main character in our media product is also wearing clothing that teenagers in urban areas around the UK would wear but our main character is wear dark colours showing him a the villain and also it was a way of us hiding him in the night so that he could easily sneak up to his victim.

The body language of our main character is showing that he is very lonely this is being demonstrated by him walking with his hands in his pocket and his shoulders raised; this is contradicted by the position of his head which is tilted slightly upwards this shows he’s walking with a purpose.  This is in comparison to the main character in the real media product that has one hand in his pocket and the other swinging around with his body, this shows he is confident but on the other hand he is slightly lent forward showing he is upset or in a deep train of thought.

Neither media products are using props this is because both of them are meant to be really natural films where it’s not what props the characters use to show their emotions but how the use their voice, their body and their face to show how they feel in certain situations.

Both characters are very important in the both media products just that the in our media product is the one causing pain to others for whatever personal reasons meaning that he is the villain in our film and the character from the real media product is the victim/hero because everyone looks up to him for advice and he is the one who is so badly hurt by the end of the film that it causes him to die.

The company I would choose to distribute our media product is more than likely Revolver Entertainment the reason for this is because from the research I’ve made of Revolver Entertainment they specialise in international films and from their track record they have been very successful in the box office with their films.
·         Distribution involves launching and to support films in the marketplace.
·          Distributors must have a strategy and good knowledgeable about promotion and publicity so that the public get excited about their film and go see it.
·         Distribution companies that are associated with Hollywood studios and will release those studio products in one after the other worldwide. 
·         Non-associated Distributors (Independents) only handle films paid for by non-Hollywood companies, which mean the normally only work on film coming from their home country.

The audience age range for our real media product is starting from the age of 16 to 25, the majority of that age group would be male. The currently that particular age group seems to really be into action and thriller movies, something that is out of this world and really exciting compared to their lives. The music that teenagers of that age listen to is a lot of home grown British rap, and a lot of American hip hop and rap. To my our generation are readers so they don’t really read any kind of magazines, I think it is really hard to say what are the favourite TV shows of such a large age group, because people have different and complex was of thinking and looking at the world.
The new age generation has a lot technology at hand and this means a lot of different way of communicating with each other without making verbal contact via twitter and facebook and recently tumblr. Our generation survives on technology for entertainment purposes and communication, currently every games console has a way of communicating with other who has the same kind of console e.g. Xbox 360, play station 3 or Nintendo. The majority of teens have blackberries and iphones we have many different gadgets for communication and mp3 uses. Every teenager has a different social group meaning they all spend their weekend differently. I believe that majority of teenagers spend their money on clothing and on anything that could make their teenage year more adventures.

 Production Equipment E.g. camera and tripod

We the camera to capture the film we had a bit of trouble with the white balance a t the night time cause we found that you had a bit of trouble seeing the characters and that is the main thing seeing the character. We also had the chance to test out the external microphone on the camera and we heard how hard it was to hear the characters over the background noise.
After using the cameras we the export the film onto premier pro and then we arrange and cut what we don’t need. After editing we the upload the film to youtube and embed it into my blogger so that everyone else can see my completed work

Compared to my preliminary we thought hard about the choice of location and what it reflects to the audience, we also spent more time working on filming and the media techniques this time more than the story. The last time after the audience research our peers told us that the film was a little bit too risky and not really realistic. So we took that in mind and did our best at making everything realistic and more believable to the audience group. 

eval one

1.    The title of our media product and a real media product.

The reason I choose this real media product to compare our media product is because both media products is are of the same genre. The titles of both products are thick block writing, this is so that the title looks simple and they don’t really give the audience a clue of the context of the film.

2.         The setting and location

Our media product used a location that contradict the genre of the film we used it because it seemed real suitable to the behavior of our main character and he’s way of thinking. Compared to the real media product that used a realistic location where you would expect to see people of their age.

3.    Camerawork and Editing

One of the shots we used is a close up and an extreme close up, this shot was a way to make the audience question what is happening to that character or what they’re doing. The real media product also used the same kind of shot to make the audience wonder what that character was ding and if they’re one of the main characters.


4.   Costume and Props

The characters from both media products wear clothing that represent the age group and social group they’re aimed at.

5.      Font and style

The font we choose for the opening credits are plain and simple this is so that the audience feel the tension of the murder from the start so that they want more and the pictures in the background make he question more about the context of the film.

6.       Story and how the opening set it up

The opening sequence of our media product does give the audience an insight into the mind of the killer (main character). I believe that the opening sequence of the real media product does give the audience the feel of how the rest of the film will play out, it shows the hate between two of the main characters and the feelings another main character has for another.

Friday, 20 April 2012

 A distributor is 

launching and supporting films in the marketplace, knowledgeable in the area of promoting and publishing films to the target audience. a distributor disperses a media product to a large group of people regionally, nationally or internationally. 

The reason I choose this distributor is because  they have experience in distributing film that are very similar to the our media product.


Monday, 26 March 2012

Tuesday 20th

On this day we filmed the match on action with our actors. first we filmed the actors running into the location for different angles to help build on the match on action shot. we then shoot a close up shot of the  main character following his next character and long shots of the main character. we also did a lot of extreme close ups of the body of the character being followed after he was murdered.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Monday 19th

Shanelle, Sinteyah and myself met up at our chosen location and started the filming of you opening sequence, on this day we took a lot of shots of objects that helped build the atmosphere of the location and the opening sequence. One of the shots are of my arm just hanging in mid air, and another shot is of a industrial machine from the 19th century we panned. we used a few shot like that on different objects around the area we were filming. 

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Images from the location of our film introduction

These are images from a location that we plan to film in, we decided to film in the evening to give it a more mystery effect but took the pictures in day to highlight the features of the location.


shanelle and Aaqib are looking for music to include in our opening sequence. they are looking for music that creates suspense rather than a type that makes it sound 'spooky'. The instuments we are looking to include would be violins and or an organ.

AS Media Studies Roles/Responsibilities


Division of labour (%)

Original Shikel and Sin
New Shanelle, Shikel and Sin
All had Equal Roles


Audience research

Production schedule

Shot list

Call sheets

Equipment/props list

 Shanelle, Aaqib, Sin, Shikel
 All equal
Risk assessment

Meeting minutes/blog updates

Production and Post-production

Location shots (filming, cameraperson)

Shanelle, Shikel, Sin, Aaqib
All had equal input

Sin-main editor

Sound and Music (obtaining, downloading or creating)

Shanelle, Aaqib
Equal Roles 50/50
Title (e.g. production and distribution company, creation - could be done via Photoshop)
Shanelle, Shikel, Sin, Aaqib
Equal roles

 These are the main responsibilities that have been shared within the group, some have not been decided at this point.

Risk assessment

Possible Risks

1) The location we want may not be available or we might not have permission to film there.
2) Camera may run out of charge and delay filming.
3) We might not be able to find the costumes that we wanted.
4) The actors may play characters wrong and make it look unprofessional and divert from what is supposed to be seen.
5) Everyone might not be available at one time.
6) There is a possibility of an actor injuring themselves.
7) Editing could be delayed as main editor is not available.
8) Disagreements may happen, this might bring energy down within the group.
9) Our location may be a health hazard...
- The stairs are dangerous
- We are working on hights which will be dangerous
- There are sharp tools and other dangerous objects laying around
10) We may not be able to get access to the location the hours we would like.

Group Pitch

The general story is about a teenager named Daniel who had a troubled upbringing. He gets caught by members of a rival gang and gets beaten into a coma. Three weeks later he wakes up from the coma and tries to convince everybody that he has spoken with the Lord. His mother and friends don’t believe him, however his girlfriend makes an effort to understand. The twist is that he doesn’t tell anybody that the Lord assigned him a duty, a duty to kill. He believes that he has been told to rid the world of evil. However, revenge is a condition that is not allowed.

The opening doesn’t consist of anything that has been detailed in the previous paragraph in depth, however it will start with a flash back. He is in the middle of an assassination and once he has committed the assassination, he gets a headache and a vision starts to form inside his head.A priest who has been assigned the same duty as him, started to decide who he himself thought was pure enough to live or die.

He previously was killing prostitutes, paedophiles, murderers and rapist. He then got power-drunk and started killing single parented mothers, women who have children out of wedlock, women who commit adultery and many other women that he considered impure. This priest started going insane and started raping many of his victims.

This priest is Daniel’s next target. Daniel develops an early hatred as a single mother brought him up and he sees graphical images of the priest raping the women in his head. However, the priest may in fact be expecting Daniel and with a lot more experience, does Daniel really stand a fighting chance?

Starting of Group work

We were given our assigned groups today by our teacher. The group consists of four members which includes Shikel, Aaquib, Sinteyah and myself. The genre of our task is a thriller. We initially decided to choose Shikel's work as we thought her idea mirrored a stereotypical thriller but after some thought and plans ahead we realised that this may not be the best idea as it lacked in practicality. In the end we mixed everyones pitch to come up with a story line.

planning of opening sequence

For my opening sequence i have chosen to set the location in a local dump or alley, this is because i believe the tense tight space in a alley would make the audience feel uncomfortable and the open space of the dump would make the audience feel how the victim would feel as if there's no way of someone hearing them scream out there.
I also choose to have deep atmospheric music to make the audience feel the build up of tension as the mysterious killer goes to get rid of his last victim and him self.
The costume of the killer reflects he's beliefs which also gives the audience a very small clue into the identity of the killer and why he commits these crimes.